Seated 4-Minute Neck Pain Fix
Easy neck stretches you can do while seated at your desk to prevent shoulder tension and headaches.
The Best 5-Minute Runner’s Warm-Up
Before and after your runs, do this 5-minute runner's warm-up/cool-down stretch to achieve a more effective workout.
Quick 2-Minute Back Pain Fix
Rolling on a foam roller can work to correct hunchback and swayback, alleviating pain and helping to prevent injuries.
Beginner’s Hamstring Stretch Routine
Learn step-by-step how to stretch your hamstrings and release low back pain as well as help prevent injuries and pulled or torn muscles.
Easy & Safe Low Back Pain Relief
Here’s a safe and easy way to release low back muscle tension and stabilize your sacroiliac (SI) joint that works for almost everyone,
Easy Neck Stretches for Headaches & TMJ
These effective neck stretches will allow your muscles to release slowly and safely.
Whole-Body Core Strength Workout
This core workout builds full-body strength and tone while protecting your back and shoulders from future strain and injury.
Sacroiliac Pain Relief in 14 Minutes
Strengthening your glutes and hips will help stabilize your sacroiliac (SI) joint in your lower back and help you alleviate knee pain.
Lower Body Stretches with Modifications
Try these leg, hip, and lower body stretches to relieve your back, hip, and knee pain. Includes modifications for all levels of flexibility.
Knee Pain Relief
These knee-strengthening exercises will help stabilize the tendons and muscles around the joint and can help you before and after knee surgery.
15-Minute Posture Fix
Do this 15-minute posture workout 3-5 times per week and you’ll see amazing results.
YOGA SERIES: Gentle Yoga for Beginners
Gentle Yoga for Beginners shows you how to effectively stretch your body to feel better fast.
What happens when you don’t stretch?
See a visual demonstration of what happens to your muscles when you DO and DON'T stretch.
Best Morning Wake-Up Stretches
To relieve morning stiffness and wake up your energy for the day, try this gentle morning stretch routine.
Best 4-Minute Hamstring Release
How to use a tennis ball to effectively release your tight hamstrings.
Best 10-Minute Frozen Shoulder Release
Try these effective stretches for 10 minutes per day to release your frozen shoulder.